Product Details


  • Model:AMP08HK00

Product Introduction

P-08 Motor Repair Kit CHECK LIST
P/N: AMP08HK00
Item Description Hualientech P/N Qty
1 P-08 1st Displacer Seal AMP08HP01 1
2 RD-204/P-08 2nd Displacer Seal AM000HP01 4ea/1set
3 RD-204/P-08 Seal Tool AM000HP03 1
4 Kap-Seal, Gland (W) CM008HP07 1
5 Coupling, Male CM008HP26 2ea/1set
6 Indium Sheet 10*10cm CM008HP31 1
7 O-Ring P8 AM0P8HP4N 4ea/1set
8 O-Ring P12 AMP12HP1N 1
9 O-Ring P22 AMP22HP1N 1
10 O-Ring G65 AMG65HP3N 3ea/1set
11 O-Ring AS-017 CM017HP2N 2ea/1set
12 O-Ring AS-035 AM035HP2N 2ea/1set
13 O-Ring AS-044 AM044HP2N 2ea/1set
14 Drive Bearing 8*24*15mm AM000HP05 1
15 Motor Bearing 6809ZZ AM000HP08 1
16 Motor Bearing 6202ZZ (2ea/set) AM000HP07 2ea/1set
17 P-08 Bush (2ea/set) AMP08HP02 2ea/1set

Product Notes

If there are any questions and inquiries, please feel free to contact us.